Mossy Cup Brewing Blogs
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Black Butte Porter - 20 gallon
Well, I just got 92% efficiencies on my Black Butte Porter 20 gallon brew. I'm not sure if it is the concentrated 15 gallon mash (literally overflowing the mash tun as you heat it from 130'F to 155'F and the liquid expands) or if it is the new grain mill and the great crush I'm getting out of it, but the last two brews have been phenomenal on efficiencies.

I did 20 gallons on this, and am keeping 10 gallons. I'm going to try the old standby 1099 in one carboy and experiment with a drier 1318 London Ale III yeast for the other. I've had the 1318 in someone else's, and it was not too bad (certainly different). Oh, and my Moose Drool is almost GONE!

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