Mossy Cup Brewing Blogs
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Rogue Brewery Visit
I just spent some time with my wife, Sarah, on the Oregon Coast for our 5th wedding anniversary. Much to my surprise, we were staying in Newport, Oregon. Yes, the SAME Newport that is home to Rogue Breweries!!!

Anyway, we stopped by for lunch and a tour, but the tours didn't start until 4PM, so we just had lunch. Still, it was VERY cool. You have to walk THROUGH the brewery to get to the gift shop and the bar area upstairs, where they have a good pub and some great tastings of the Rogue labels.
You would NEVER know it, driving by, but nestled in the old run-down building on the warf, is a great pub/eatery and some very good brew. The tastings were great. Can't say I particularly liked the chamomellow (made with chamomile flavoring) or the chipotle flavored brew, but Dead Guy is always good, and I really liked the flavor of the Shakespear Stout.
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